How to Implement Microsoft Graph for PowerShell

Implementing Microsoft Graph in PowerShell allows you to automate tasks and access a wide range of data across Microsoft 365 services. Here’s a streamlined guide to get you started:

1. Install the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK

First, open your PowerShell console with administrative privileges. Install the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK by running:

Install-Module -Name Microsoft.Graph -Scope CurrentUser

2. Authenticate and Connect

To use the Microsoft Graph module, you’ll need to authenticate with Azure Active Directory (AAD). Run the following command and follow the prompts to sign in:

Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "User.Read.All"

The -Scopes parameter specifies the permissions you’re requesting. Adjust it based on the data you need to access.

3. Explore and Use Cmdlets

Once connected, you can start exploring available cmdlets and use them to interact with Microsoft Graph. For example, to get a list of users in your organization:


To find a specific cmdlet or explore the cmdlets available for a specific service:

Get-Command -Module Microsoft.Graph.*

4. Disconnect

After you’re done, remember to disconnect your PowerShell session from Microsoft Graph to ensure security:


5. Scripting and Automation

You can script repetitive tasks. For instance, a script to report on user sign-ins might involve fetching data with Get-MgSignIns, processing it, and outputting a report.

Tips for Effective Use:

  • Explore Graph Explorer: Before scripting, use the Microsoft Graph Explorer to test queries and understand the JSON responses.
  • Manage Permissions Carefully: Start with minimum necessary permissions and expand as needed. Use admin consent for permissions that require it.
  • Use Paged Results for Large Queries: Some cmdlets return paged results. Use the -All parameter or handle paging in your scripts to manage this.