MQL5: Pointer to a Function

In MQL5, which is the programming language used for writing scripts, indicators, and automated trading strategies for the MetaTrader 5 trading platform, a pointer to a function is a concept used to reference or “point to” a function. This allows for dynamic function calls and more flexible code structures. Here’s how it works:

  1. Defining a Function Pointer: In MQL5, you can define a function pointer by specifying the function’s return type, followed by an asterisk (*), and then the name of the pointer. This is followed by the parameter list of the function it will point to. For example:
   void (*pointerToFunction)(int, double);

This defines a pointer named pointerToFunction that can point to any function returning void and taking an int and a double as parameters.

  1. Assigning a Function to the Pointer: You can assign a function to this pointer by simply using the function’s name (without parentheses) in an assignment statement. For example:
   pointerToFunction = &myFunction;

Here, myFunction should be a function that matches the signature of the pointer (i.e., returns void and takes an int and a double).

  1. Using the Function Pointer: Once a function is assigned to the pointer, you can use the pointer to call the function. This is done by using the pointer as if it were a function itself:
   pointerToFunction(5, 3.14);
  1. Benefits: Function pointers are useful for implementing callback functions, creating arrays of functions, and designing more complex programming constructs like delegates or event handlers. They allow for more dynamic and flexible code, as you can change which function is called during the execution of your program.
  2. Caution: As with any pointer, it’s important to ensure that the function pointer points to a valid function before calling it. Calling a function through a null or invalid pointer can lead to runtime errors.

Function pointers in MQL5 open up possibilities for more advanced programming techniques and can be particularly useful in creating sophisticated trading algorithms and tools.