The application runs on PHP, so it will need to be installed on the server for Windows to run the scripts.
You should be able to go here for the latest PHP installer for IIS:
Use the Web Platform Installer to automate the installation and configuration of PHP on your server. You could do it manually, but it’s a pain. The installer should be able to be found here;
Version 5.6.0 was used at the time of this writing.
Find the version of PHP you want to install and click the Add button. Example: PHP 5.6.0.
If dependent components are missing, they will be listed to be included with the PHP installation. Go ahead and click the “I Accept” button.
After the installation completes, you’ll be presented with a summary page of the pieces that were installed. Click on Finish.
Use PHP Manager in IIS Manager to finish configuring PHP:
Set recommendations for adding index.php to default file and automatically reset php when config.php is updated. Click on the “View recommendations.” link.
Click on the “Enable or disable and extension” link.
Use “Enable or disable and extension” to drill down and enable LDAP Extension:
LDAP will be the protocol used by SimpleSAMLphp to get user information from Active Directory when authenticating.
Next we will look at installing the SimpleSAMLphp application.
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