Tag Archives: password

Install VirtualBox on Mac Mojave

The developer team identifier or KEXT of the install is not trusted by the operating system. There’s no way to allow an exception through the regular interfaces for the installer to successfully run. One must manually add the developer team identifier so that it can run. This is done in recovery mode. Unless you’re a developer used to hacking your Mac to allow things like this to happen, you’d never get it done.

Many thanks to “rayan a” for providing the solution:


Re: Unable to run on Mojave


by ryan a » 29. Jan 2019, 21:33I was able to get the kernel extensions to load the KEXTs without user approval by adding the VirtualBox Apple Developer Team ID in spctl kext-consent

I used the following command to get the Team ID: codesign -dv --verbose=4 /Applications/VirtualBox.app
Result: TeamIdentifier=VB5E2TV963

  1. Turn on your Mac, then immediately press and hold Command-R to start up from macOS Recovery.
  2. Select Disk Utility from the Utilities window, then click Continue.
  3. From the Disk Utility sidebar, select the volume that you’re using, then choose File > Mount from the menu bar. (If the volume is already mounted, this option is dimmed.)
  4. Then enter your administrator password when prompted.
  5. Quit Disk Utility.
  6. Choose Terminal from the Utilities menu in the menu bar.
  7. Type the command:spctl kext-consent add VB5E2TV963
  8. When done, choose Apple () menu > Restart.

Script to set an encrypted password for later use

Periodically passwords on service accounts need to be updated as all information security best practices recommend.  Many shops may not have automated tools that would do this for all their scripts.  Many PowerShell scripts may be set to read an encrypted password file.  Naturally, this would break after a password update.  I needed a quick tool for administrators to quickly update these password files by allowing them to do the input it twice to prevent typos method.  So here it is.  The file is stored in a text file ending with “.Pw.txt”

# Input and validate password and store encrypted in file for later use.

$userId= "myUserID"
$pwFile = "$PSScriptRoot\$userId.Pw.txt"

do {
    $password1 = Read-Host "$tryAgain`Enter $adminId Password: " -AsSecureString
    $password2 = Read-Host "Verify $adminId Password: " -AsSecureString
    $check1 = ([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($password1)).ToString()
    $check2 = ([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($password2)).ToString()
    if ($check1.SubString(0,($check1.Length)-4) -eq $check2.SubString(0,($check2.Length)-4)) {$pwMatch = $true}
    else {$tryAgain = "Passwords did not match, try again.`n"; $pwMatch = $false}
Until ($pwMatch)

$password1 | ConvertFrom-SecureString | Out-File $pwFile -Force

If you really need to make sure the password was properly encrypted, then you can use this script to recover it back into plain text. Use this sparingly and don’t leave the script lying around to be used. One may choose to use NTFS to lock down read to the password file even further. However, here it is:

# get the iLO password and convert to plain text
$userId= "myUserID"
$pwFile = "$PSScriptRoot\$userId.Pw.txt"

$SecurePassword = Get-Content $pwFile | ConvertTo-SecureString
$BSTR = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($SecurePassword)
$UnsecurePassword = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($BSTR)


Here’s an example to securely pull the password into a credential pair for use in many commandlets as $creds:

$userId= "myUserID"
$pwFile = "$PSScriptRoot\$userId.Pw.txt"
$pwd = Get-Content $pwFile | ConvertTo-SecureString
$creds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $userId, $pwd

Credentials Management in PowerShell

This blog is plagiarized from the best article I’ve ever found on this subject.  Full credit to Kris Powell for this amazing article found here.

Here are my condensed notes for my use.  If you find it useful, give a shout out to Kris Powell.

We now know how to convert a SecureString to an encrypted standard string. We can take any method we like to get a SecureString, convert it to a standard string and then save it to a file. Here is an example of each:

Exporting SecureString from Plain text

"P@ssword1" | `
ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force | `
ConvertFrom-SecureString | `
Out-File "C:\Temp 2\Password.txt"

Exporting SecureString from Get-Credential

(Get-Credential).Password | `
ConvertFrom-SecureString | `
Out-File "C:\Temp 2\Password.txt"

Exporting SecureString from Read-Host

Read-Host "Enter Password" -AsSecureString |  `
ConvertFrom-SecureString | `
Out-File "C:\Temp 2\Password.txt"

Anyone of these examples should provide you with a Password.txt file that has an encrypted standard string the represents the password.

When you need to use this encrypted password, you simply reverse the process by importing the data from your file and use ConvertTo-SecureString. If all you need is a SecureString, you can stop there. You could even take it a step further and create a PSCredential object.

Creating SecureString object

$pass = Get-Content "C:\Temp 2\Password.txt" | ConvertTo-SecureString

Creating PSCredential object

$User = "MyUserName"
$File = "C:\Temp 2\Password.txt"
$MyCredential=New-Object `
-TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential `
-ArgumentList $User,
(Get-Content $File | ConvertTo-SecureString)