Tag Archives: workflow

Automatically Close an Incident when Resolved and Bypass Customer Verification

Open the SD.IncidentManagement workflow.

On the Main Incident Work model, create a SkipCustConfirm variable in the Input Data section and set it to True.  Between the Close Cose=QuickClose component and the Customer Confirmation component, add a Matches Rule and configure SkipCustConfirm = False and no match output to the Customer Confirmation component.  Copy the Set Process State/Status, Expose Workflow Tracking ID, SatisfyOverallSLA, and Save External Data components.  Paste those so that the Matches Rule True output goes into that chain.  Take the output of the chain and link it to the End component.  The Customer is no longer notified that their incident is Resolved.

In the Initial Diagnosis sub-model, create a SkipCustConfirm variable in the Input Data section and set it to True.  In the two instances where where the ProcessStatusComponent is set for Resolved at 90%, inset a Matches Rule bypass and set the ProcessStatusComponent to Closed at 100%.  When a technician resolves an incident, it will now set it to Closed.  The Customer needs to Reopen an incident if it is not really Resolved.

E-mail Monitoring in ServiceDesk

Admin>Data>Application Properties


Reply-to address in the Outbound Mail Settings contains email address from which ServiceDesk sends notifications email.  This should match the email address used in the Inbound Mail Settings to ensure email responded to goes to the inbox being monitored.

If an incoming email subject contains “New Incident” or “New Ticket”, an incident will automatically be created for that email.  From will be used for the Primary Contact and the body will be used for the description.  File attachments are saved with the ticket and added to document management.

Replies are handled by this process.  System generated email footers contain a reply code to identify associated tickets.

If email cannot be identified, a task will be created for Service Manager to classify email.

SD.Email.InboundManagement: This workflow looks at incoming e-mail to ServiceDesk that have an improper subject line and create tasks for Service Managers to determine if they should become incidents.  It is called by SD.EmailMonitor when an email with the incorrect subjet is received.

SD.Email.Monitor: This Monitoring project monitors the inbox(es) configured to receive ServiceDesk incidents via email. It reads and evaluates email, checking for valid email address format, and whether the email is a response.  It creates tickets for Incidents deemed valid or updates a ticket if it is a response.

SD.EmailServices: This project contains the email templates that define the content of email in ServiceDesk.