All posts by Frank Contreras

Get Hyper-V Guest Properties

$vm = "<enter the friendly name of a virtual machine>";

filter Import-CimXml
    $CimXml = [Xml]$_
    $CimObj = New-Object -TypeName System.Object
    foreach ($CimProperty in $CimXml.SelectNodes("/INSTANCE/PROPERTY"))
 if ($CimProperty.Name -eq "Name" -or $CimProperty.Name -eq "Data")
         $CimObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $CimProperty.NAME -Value $CimProperty.VALUE

$VmObj = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\virtualization -Query "Select * From Msvm_ComputerSystem Where ElementName='$vm'"
$KvpObj = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\virtualization -Query "Associators of {$VmObj} Where AssocClass=Msvm_SystemDevice ResultClass=Msvm_KvpExchangeComponent"
$KvpObj.GuestIntrinsicExchangeItems | Import-CimXml

Reposted from here.

Installing or Upgrading Servicedesk 7.0 MR2 to 7.1 – Using a Domain-based Service Account

Article: HOWTO49691  |  Created: 2011-04-14  |  Updated: 2011-04-14
Please find attached the document for Installing or Upgrading Servicedesk 7.0 MR2 to 7.1. 

SD 7.1 Upgrade and Install.pdf

This document guides one through the installation process that will allow automatic authentication using the logged on user’s credentials. Next steps in Process Manager after install are:

1. Browse through pages like Application Properties and Master Settings to ensure things installed correctly.

2. Enable Active Directory Authentication
Admin>Portal>Master Settings>Process Manager Active Directory Settings

  • Active Directory Authentication – checked
  • AS Sync Process Interval (In Mins) – checked
  • Sync Only Users – checked
  • 3. Add Active Directory Servers
    Admin>AD Servers

  • Auto Create User On Initial Login – checked
  • AD Users Default Groups – All Users
  • Run Update Sync Process to import users and start assigning to roles
  • 4. Use a GPO to configure users intranet zone to contain the URL of your ServiceDesk
    User Configuration>Policies>Windows Settings>Internet Explorer Maintenance>URLs/Important URLs

  • Name:
  • Value: 1
  • .

    Facts About Combine License Workshop

    Reposted from here.

    The License Workshop can be used to download the licenses for all Altiris products registered to your company (or group of companies), or to combine and download licenses for a particular Altiris product.

    Combining Licenses

    When two or more license certificates for the same product are combines into a single certificate, the new maintenance date that is embedded in the certificate is the lesser of all the dates.

    For example, if you combine 100 nodes of a product with a maintenance date ending 01-01-2007 with 100 nodes with a maintenance date ending 06-01-2007, the new certificate will be created for 200 nodes with a maintenance expiration date of 01-01-2007.

    When the maintenance expires on the combined license you can use the License Management Portal to received your licenses in a new configuration, or you may contact your Sales Representative to have your maintenance dates co termed to a single date.

    During the co terming process, the maintenance expiration dates on combines licenses will also be combined. All combined licenses will assume the shorted maintenance duration available from the individual licenses.

    Example, if you combine two license files, one having 6 months remaining and the other having 8 months remaining, the maintenance window of the combined license files will have a maintenance duration of 6 months) At the end of the combined licenses term, you will have the opportunity to use the remaining two months of support in the example by installing the individual license key containing the remaining maintenance.

    The Maintenance assigned to the license is the lesser of the Maintenance dates assigned of the licenses being combines or 7 months from the day the license is being created. When licenses are, the .txt files must have at least 7 months of Maintenance assigned or the license will timed out.

    Using the License Workshop

    * Option 1
    Allow you to download the licenses for all your Altiris products at once. When choosing this option, the system will automatically combine licenses for products you own into as few license files as possible, placing the licenses into a single ZIP file that is downloaded to your computer.

    The licenses downloaded will be for all Altiris companies associated with your Symantec account, and is not affected by the check boxes show in the Option 2 area of the page.

    * Option 2 Download Selected Licenses (Combined)

    When more than one Altiris company is associated with your account, a list of those companies will be displayed on the page. New license purchase with your Symantec account will be listed under the name ‘ New Licenses’. (There may be multiple companies listed due to grouping that was done in Altiris, and also grouping that was done when Altiris information was moved to Symantec)

    Using the check boxes nest to the company names, choose the companies associated with the products to be combined (to keep things simple, you may wish to leave all companies selected) . As you change the selected companies, the list of products will change to show all combinable products for the selected companies. If there is only one company associated with your account, you will not be able to deselect it.)

    Next select a product to combine from the list of products- only combinable products with active support will be listed. Please not that only individual products are combinable- suites of products are not.

    Finally, combine the desired licenses using the arrows, and click on the download button to obtain a single combined license file for the selected product (the maintenance co termination rules noted above will apply.)

    ServiceDesk Postinstallation Configuration Wizard Timed Out

    After you finish installing the ServiceDesk application, you should immediately complete the postinstallation configuration wizard.  If you wait too long, the process times out and you have to manually relaunch the postinstallation configuration wizard by opening up a Web browser window and browsing to:


    If you are unable to relaunch the postinstallation configuration wizard using this method, you must rerun the ServiceDesk application installation from the beginning. The wizard is only available for completion on time (it is deleted upon its first completion).

    Automatically Close an Incident when Resolved and Bypass Customer Verification

    Open the SD.IncidentManagement workflow.

    On the Main Incident Work model, create a SkipCustConfirm variable in the Input Data section and set it to True.  Between the Close Cose=QuickClose component and the Customer Confirmation component, add a Matches Rule and configure SkipCustConfirm = False and no match output to the Customer Confirmation component.  Copy the Set Process State/Status, Expose Workflow Tracking ID, SatisfyOverallSLA, and Save External Data components.  Paste those so that the Matches Rule True output goes into that chain.  Take the output of the chain and link it to the End component.  The Customer is no longer notified that their incident is Resolved.

    In the Initial Diagnosis sub-model, create a SkipCustConfirm variable in the Input Data section and set it to True.  In the two instances where where the ProcessStatusComponent is set for Resolved at 90%, inset a Matches Rule bypass and set the ProcessStatusComponent to Closed at 100%.  When a technician resolves an incident, it will now set it to Closed.  The Customer needs to Reopen an incident if it is not really Resolved.

    Bypass Mandatory KB Search on New Incidents in ServiceDesk

    Modify the SD.Feeder.GeneralIncidentSubmitForm project and go to the Input Data of the Primay model.  Add a variable called SkipKBSearch with a Default Value of True.

    Insert a Matches or True/False rule between SetReturnPath and KB Search components.  Link the True output to the Check ReturnPath component and the other two to the KB Search component.

    E-mail Monitoring in ServiceDesk

    Admin>Data>Application Properties


    Reply-to address in the Outbound Mail Settings contains email address from which ServiceDesk sends notifications email.  This should match the email address used in the Inbound Mail Settings to ensure email responded to goes to the inbox being monitored.

    If an incoming email subject contains “New Incident” or “New Ticket”, an incident will automatically be created for that email.  From will be used for the Primary Contact and the body will be used for the description.  File attachments are saved with the ticket and added to document management.

    Replies are handled by this process.  System generated email footers contain a reply code to identify associated tickets.

    If email cannot be identified, a task will be created for Service Manager to classify email.

    SD.Email.InboundManagement: This workflow looks at incoming e-mail to ServiceDesk that have an improper subject line and create tasks for Service Managers to determine if they should become incidents.  It is called by SD.EmailMonitor when an email with the incorrect subjet is received.

    SD.Email.Monitor: This Monitoring project monitors the inbox(es) configured to receive ServiceDesk incidents via email. It reads and evaluates email, checking for valid email address format, and whether the email is a response.  It creates tickets for Incidents deemed valid or updates a ticket if it is a response.

    SD.EmailServices: This project contains the email templates that define the content of email in ServiceDesk.

    Sending E-mail in ServiceDesk

    Instead of using the Send E-mail component, invoke the using the SD.EmailSerives project.  This way, you have a central location for managing email in ServiceDesk, consistency in format and behavior.  An example of how to invoke this can be found in Change Management.

    Primay model creates, submodels deliver (email templates).  ReportID is required to get the process history, so it cannot be null.

    Disabling/Enabling Incident notifications for SendNotificationIncidentCreation and SendNotificationInicdentResolution:
    Admin>Data>Application Properties

    Installing LAMP on CentOS

    Install Apache HTTP Server (httpd) and PHP 5.3.8

    Reposted from Here.
    1. Change root user
    su –
    2. Install Remi repository
    ## Remi Dependency on CentOS 6 and Red Hat (RHEL) 6 ##
    rpm -Uvh
    ## CentOS 6 and Red Hat (RHEL) 6 ##
    rpm -Uvh
    3. Install Apache (httpd) Web server and PHP 5.3.8
    yum –enablerepo=remi install httpd php php-common
    4. Install PHP 5.3.8 modules
    yum –enablerepo=remi install php-pear php-pdo php-mysql php-pgsql php-pecl-memcache php-gd php-mbstring php-mcrypt php-xml
    5. Start Apache HTTP server (httpd) and autostart Apache HTTP server (httpd) on boot
    service httpd start ## use restart after update
    chkconfig –levels 235 httpd on
    6. Create test PHP page to check that Apache, PHP and PHP modules are working
    Add following content to /var/www/html/test.php file.
    7. Check created page with browser
    Access following address, with your browser. http://localhost/test.php

     Enable Remote Connection to Apache HTTP Server (httpd) –> Open Web server Port (80) on Iptables Firewall (as root user again)
    1. Edit /etc/sysconfig/iptables file:
    nano -w /etc/sysconfig/iptables
    2. Add following line before COMMIT:
    -A INPUT -m state –state NEW -m tcp -p tcp –dport 80 -j ACCEPT
    3. Restart Iptables Firewall:
    service iptables restart
    ## OR ##
    /etc/init.d/iptables restart
    4. Test remote connection
    Access following address, with your browser. http://your.domain/test.php